25th and 26th November 2023: Summit For World Peace

25th and 26 November 2023, Argentina In view of an escalation in the number of wars, small and large, short and long, and general social violence in the world, HUFUD feels the urgent need to summon up all Peace, Human Rights, anti-war and anti-military organizations,...

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25 March 2023: Peace Conference

A World Without Militarism Date/Time 25 March, 9am to 5pm Location Birkbeck, University of London, Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HX Free Entry. Register now at In-person & Online event Online | Zoom:...

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24 September 2022: Peace Conference

The Game Of War And The Path To Peace   Date/Time 24 September, 10am to 6pm Location Friends Meeting House, 12A Queen Parade, Harrogate HG1 5PP   Harrogate Quaker Meeting House and HUFUD (Humanity United for Universal Demilitarisation) join forces to present...

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OSI Geneva Forum 2020

HUFUD is very excited to announce our President Alberto Portugheis and Vice-President Angelo Cardona have been invited to speak at the United Nations Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland on 10th December this year during the OSI Geneva Forum 2020 (Objectif Sciences...

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“Peace is Possible” Conference

It is our pleasure to announce keynote speaker Prof. Dave Webb, Chair of CND for the Peace Conference. We are honoured to have John Leech OBE, Josephine Apira, human rights activist and chair of the Ugandan Sustainable Development Initiative (USDI) and Dr. Victor...

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HUFUD documentary ‘Peace is Possible’ Premiere

Screening of the documentary ‘Peace is Possible’ about the work of HUFUD on Thursday 7 March, 7pm. Event organised by Our Future Now, the Youth Network of Global Justice Now. The 27-minute screening will be followed by presentation of dissertations and a debate...

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HUFUD in Mexico

HUFUD Founder and President Alberto Portugheis, during a recent visit to Mexico, where he took part in four Peace Education events, individually dedicated to: 1) Conflict Resolution by Peaceful Means, the Role of Mediation 2) Peaceful coexistance in schools: Education...

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Peace study day on 16 September 2017

Peace study day on 16 september Date: Saturday, 16 September 2017 Venue: The Elizabeth Fry Room, Westminster Quaker Meeting House, 8 Hop Gardens, WC2N 4EH. Programme: 10am Registration and Coffee 11am Alberto Portugheis, HUFUD Founder and President 11:30am Azadeh...

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